Monday, June 29, 2009

I feel like I am gaining technological insight in this class and other areas of my life. I am starting to see how much technology is out there. I always knew that there was an infinite amount of things to do on a computer but I guess through this class I am starting to explore different places and gadgets. My brother recently got an i-pod touch and I used it a little this weekend and was amazed by how helpful it can be and how much you can do. I had no intention of getting one but now I might get one, even though I don't have any money. With all these new programs that I'm being introduced to, it will be hard to decide which ones to use in class and personal life. Especially with new things being created every day. Another thing I am gaining from this class is that a lot of technology is easier to use than I think it will be. Usually I see something new and don't even bother looking into how much it can help me. I just figure, since it is new to me I won't know how to use it. My eyes are opening some.

Monday, June 15, 2009

1st Entry

Technology plays a vital role in classrooms today. Everyday new technology is being created that can help students learn. I feel that it is essential for teachers to understand how and when to use technology to strengthen lessons. However I fear that technology at times is replacing good teaching because it's easier and faster. For example, I don't know how many boring PowerPoint presentations I sat through in high school that I learned nothing from. However I had a few teachers who would put them on the board and then teach the class hardly using the presentation, those teachers I learned a lot from. I feel that technology should enhance education, not teach. I would say I'm an averagely skilled technological person. I know how to use the internet, computer programs, and functions adequately enough to accomplish what needs to be done. At one point I was pretty good with a graphic design program in high school but I've probably forgot what I knew.