Monday, June 15, 2009

1st Entry

Technology plays a vital role in classrooms today. Everyday new technology is being created that can help students learn. I feel that it is essential for teachers to understand how and when to use technology to strengthen lessons. However I fear that technology at times is replacing good teaching because it's easier and faster. For example, I don't know how many boring PowerPoint presentations I sat through in high school that I learned nothing from. However I had a few teachers who would put them on the board and then teach the class hardly using the presentation, those teachers I learned a lot from. I feel that technology should enhance education, not teach. I would say I'm an averagely skilled technological person. I know how to use the internet, computer programs, and functions adequately enough to accomplish what needs to be done. At one point I was pretty good with a graphic design program in high school but I've probably forgot what I knew.

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